Cannes Lions

Child Rescue Alert


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In order for the campaign to be highly effective, we not only needed to target the right people but highlight the areas where we needed the most help. The data-driven creative uses live registration statistics from the campaign, population, location and travel data to help tailor messages and encourage recruitment in those areas that need the coverage most. Our dynamic campaign management dashboard analysed the data and automated the delivery of a customised heat map displaying the coverage needed in individual locations for thousands of sites across the UK.


The digital out of home campaign supported Child Rescue Alert fortnight, a two week period which encouraged members of the public to register for the national alerting system.

Outdoor media across retail, roadside and rail locations was used so that the important message could reach the right audience, wherever they were across the country.

Dynamic Campaign Optimisation meant that we were delivering targeted and contextualised messages across the national media plan to areas where there was the greatest need. Throughout the two week period, dynamic sign up data was fed through to the DOOH screens, adapting the creative according to the very latest sign up data.

This ensured that all 25 million impressions achieved across the campaigns two week duration were localised, contextualised, and always relevant.


The campaign generated 25 million impressions with a local & contextualised message played out each time. This context effect massively increased media efficiency ensuring the campaign was working as hard as possible to achieve its objective.

The campaign significantly increased national coverage for the CRA system by encouraging registrations from members of the public keen to play a part in protecting the children in their area. The campaign achieved a 14% national uplift of subscribers from the existing base. Within that national boost were fantastic results on a postcode level bringing coverage to places that were previously not covered at all.

The two-week campaign produced great results for Child Rescue Alert and the client target was exceeded by 33%.

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