Cannes Lions

Chinatown Comes Alive


Presentation Image
Case Film






The idea was to create an interactive experience that would catch the eyes of tourists and provide recommendations on places to visit. We used characters from Chinatown’s history like the Rickshaw Puller, the Samsui Woman and the Street Hawker to tell different stories from old Chinatown while introducing tourists to the hidden gems not listed in usual tour recommendations. Based on a tourist’s interaction with each installation, the Character would recommend different places to go.


Tourists enjoy cultural takeaways and are very often drawn to the secrets within the area.

The creative solution was to build an installation true to its historical roots that "whispered" hidden secrets of Chinatown to those who interacted with the installation. We surprised people by setting up a seemingly ordinary poster that sprung to life when people got near it. Based on their interaction with he character within the poster, users were given a customised map that directed them places of recommendation taking them away from mere tourists traps of the souvenir shops and into the heart of Chinatown.


A poster that sprang to life when a user got close to it provided to be irreverent and engaging.

Our rickshaw puller, samui woman and street hawker sure seemed to have made the trinket vendors work harder. 51,359 interactions in the first three months, 1,140 hours of engagement. Over 8,000 custom maps given out. Featured stores experienced higher traffic. The Singapore Tourism Board even renewed the project to keep the installations adding another six months to the initial six months approved duration.

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