Cannes Lions


JUNG von MATT, Hamburg / ALIVE / 2012

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Every year many people are executed in the United States, a terrible truth, that is less and less taken into account.

How can we help ALIVE to change this? With a cookbook!No other topic in Germany and the U.S. is more popular than cooking. More than 50% of Americans watch cooking shows on a regular basis. Cookbooks sell by the millions and fill shelf after shelf in German bookstores.The idea: We produced a cookbook with 'last wish' meals.We asked inmates on death row in the United States what they will be requesting to eat on their last day. 40 of the recipes were then collected in a book. The entire proceeds went to ALIVE e.V. Available in bookstores all over Germany it was also sent to decision-makers and politicians.

The first edition of Dead Men Cooking was sold out in 2 weeks. We noticed an increase of 350% of visitors on the website of ALIVE. National media coverage was extensive and additional donations grew by 120%.Since the book has a strong design approach, fans voluntarily shared it on social communities like Facebook and Twitter. There were articles about our cookbook in several leading German design magazines.


We asked inmates on death row all over the U.S. what they will wish as a last meal, when their last day has arrived. 40 of those answers were put into a cookbook, available in bookstores all over Germany and sent to decision-makers and influential politicians. The revenue will be used to support Alive e.V., an organisation that fights against Death Penalty in America.We targeted at lifestyle-oriented people, that love to cook, buy cookbooks and like to show off to their friends this very unusual and unique coffeetable-book.


Dead Men Cooking's first edition was sold out in 2 weeks, despite the high price. We noticed an increase of 350% visitors on ALIVE's website. National media coverage was extensive and donations grew by 120%.Shortly after we sent out the first edition as a mailing to influential politicians and organisations in Germany and the U.S., we received feedback from dozens of inmates that aren't in the book. They sent their last meal whishes, family pictures, personal choices of meals, asking for them to be included in the next edition.

Since the book has a strong design, fans voluntarily shared it on social communities like Facebook and Twitter. The articles about Dead Men Cooking in several leading German design magazines, resulted in nearly 90m contacts in the German media. But, it's not a fairy tale: the death penalty hasn't been abolished; therefore we haven't reached our and our client's goal... Yet.

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