Cannes Lions

confessing top secrets

HAKUHODO, Tokyo / MORINAGA & CO. / 2016

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Case Film
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1.We open the secret to all,that JACK communication campaign has failed over and over again in the past and is facing a critical situation instead of its deliciousness.

2.Media felt interesting in JACK's situation and PR is going to spread.

3.After hearing that news,people want to try JACK once.


Hidden behind the official site, Special JACK site was created.

Based on the concept of “sales to be terminated despite its delicious taste”,

in the website, it communicated situation that JACK was at its edge along with its failures without hiding anything.

While the website and its contents were spread via PR, the ad implementation was based on sense of “ at the edge”. As long as it generated topicality it was fine.

With just US$80,000, major topicality was captured.


Tier1:We succeed in making people actually try JACK.

Against the forecast of the product to last just another month, it is still in the stores after three months. Furthermore.

Tier3:With US$80,000 budget, PR exposures worth 50 times more,

which is 500 million yen was captured.

Number of tweets surpassed 10 thousand, and made it into top ranking word to be searched. Many wanted to try JACK,?which is “delicious, yet facing termination of sales”.

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2023, MORINAGA & CO.

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