Cannes Lions

CrispIN or CrispOUT

INITIALS CX, London / WALKERS / 2023

Case Film
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Supporting Content






For Brits, lunchtime is often a sandwich and usually accompanied by a packet of crisps. And these crisps are most likely to be Walkers - a British institution. Almost one in every two packets of Walkers eaten in this way. So when the brand saw sales declining in this vital occasion it needed to act.

For something as simple as a packet of crisps, the debates that often surround Walkers can be surprisingly fierce. Everything from favourite flavours to whether Salt and Vinegar and Cheese and Onion are in the right coloured bags (salt and vinegar should obviously be in blue, not green right?).

When it comes to sandwiches and lunch, everyone has their own way of eating them. Some love to deconstruct the sandwich and place crisps inside, of extra crunch. Whereas for others, this is anathema, with crisps and sandwiches occupying very different parts of the lunch occasion.


Walkers decided to encourage a national debate with the idea #CrispIN or #CrispOUT.

Spoofing a political campaign, #CrispIN and CrispOUT were turned into political parties. Manifestos were drawn up for each party and a political party broadcast spoof was created to announce ‘the Big Vote’. Each ‘party’ was led by a popular celebrity who hosted debates full of fun, good humour and just a little bit of scandal. It’s politics after all!

Our execution combined events, advertising, partnerships and PR to make sure that anyone and everyone could get involved in the debate, with no sandwich left behind.

The campaign culminated in a ‘crisperendom’ in the town of Sandwich on June 19th 2022 where residents were invited to settle the debate once and for all. Brand spokesman Gary Lineker was there to announce the winner, but of course just like politics the debate still rumbles on…


Walkers has always stayed very close to the great British public, mapping their long and passionate relationship with our crisps. Through social listening we had identified a new conversation and a new relationship - the passionate embrace between the crips and its long time lunchtime companion, the sandwich.

We were fascinated by the strength of opinion and depth of feeling that something so simple could inspire. In some ways this reminded us of political debate - but even more polarised and passionately felt!

When it comes to creative strategy, heat like this is very helpful. Rather than simply talking with people about crisps and sandwiches, we had the opportunity to pour fire on an existing debate and get people truly involved in the brand.

Turning the debate into how people ate their crisps with a sandwich cleverly made Walkers seem essential rather than optional to a sandwich.


The execution of the #CrispIN or #CrispOUT campaign was driven by the idea of spoofing a political campaign.

The debate launched on TV with a mock party political broadcast. Each party unveiled a manifesto, their celebrity leader, and their band of influencers to further fuel the debate.

As with politics, some scandal is inevitable. Confessions from celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay providing a whiff of inappropriate behaviour.

Subway stores became mini polling stations each declaring their allegiance to one party.

It was announced that the residents of the town of Sandwich in Kent would make the final decision. Election style posters and door drops blitzed the town, with social content ensuring everyone knew about the big vote.

On June 19th 2022, election day, the #CrispIN and #CrispOUT parties descended on Sandwich to canvas for final votes. Hilarity and mayhem ensued with brand ambassador Gary Lineaker finally announcing #CrispIN the winner.


This idea grew sales by +13.7% and market share by +1.3%.

It created 24 million more sandwiches and crisp occasions.

It engaged the great British public, giving them something to talk about beyond the weather, generating 274 million in earned media impressions.

There were more than 10m uses of #CrispInCrispOut.

One in three people in the town of Sandwich came out to vote.

And in case you were wondering - #CrispIN was the controversial winner, despite starting as the underdog.

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