Cannes Lions


DDB/DM9 JAYME SYFU, Makati City / CARITAS / 2014

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For retailers, D/DATE not only offers them a chance to be part of a worthy CSR campaign. It promises recurring sales. How? When the D/DATE is reached, people need only donate it at the store they purchased it from and they receive a 10% discount on their next purchase.

For Caritas Segunda Mana, who for years have received worn-out clothes, D/DATE guarantees donated apparel are still fit for use by the less fortunate.

To build the habit of donating, we targeted the youth. So we tapped one of the country's hippest fashion brands, Team Manila, to design a full line of D/DATE shirts. We promoted the launch event through social media and invited artists, celebrities and athletes. Each one uploaded a picture of themselves wearing their support under the #ddate.


D/DATE was only launched in April 2014, meaning the clothes bearing the D/DATE tag are scheduled to be donated 2 years from now.

For the launch, we simply aimed to attract other clothing retailers to adopt the initiative. So we invited several celebrities, each uploading a picture of themselves wearing their support tagged #ddate. By the event's end, not only had we sold out the initial run of 500 shirts, we drew the interest one of the country's largest fashion retailers which owns several popular brands. We are currently planning a D/DATE launch under one of their brands this June.

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