Cannes Lions

Dengue Doesn’t Discriminate







Dengue is prevalent in over 129 countries and can potentially affect 3.9 billion people. But this disease often lacks perceived personal risk among the general public. We needed to educate and grow awareness for dengue disease

Our goal was to emphasize to healthcare professionals in dengue-endemic areas that all their patients may be at risk of dengue infection, but they can help protect eligible patients with QDENGA®▼, a second-generation vaccine, that has been shown to help prevent disease caused by different dengue virus serotypes.

To help HCPs in their preventive care, we devised the Dengue Doesn't Discriminate campaign. Inspired by mosquito sounds and their intricate eyes, our film employs misdirection to show that mosquitos have everyone in their sights. Through strategic use of sound and visuals, our campaign engages viewers and drives home the critical importance of safeguarding against this pervasive threat.


With a limited production budget, our campaign film was crafted using hundreds of individually selected stock photography portraits and a realistic, menacing CG mosquito (created in partnership with Taylor James).

All pieces were designed to be fully customizable, allowing different countries to easily swap out portraits and ensure the faces within the mosquito’s eyes reflect the people in that region. New portraits automatically adjust in size, color and contour, to ensure they feel realistically reflected in the mosquito’s eye.

We made it easy counties to easily adapt the campaign artwork and messaging, so they too can sound the alarm about the fastest spreading mosquito-borne viral disease in the world.


The QDENGA®, Dengue Doesn’t Discriminate campaign was mainly driven by sales reps in direct communications to HCPs throughout Asia and Latin America with plans to extend to other endemic regions. The campaign comes to life through engagement tools like an interactive visual aid – which features the core campaign message to elevate dengue risk and urgency for call to action – help protect their patients against dengue. Additionally, the Dengue Doesn’t Discriminate campaign was launched and executed at medical congresses for promotion and awareness with HCPs. Doctors were invited to see their own reflections in the eyes of a mosquito, helping reinforce that nobody is safe from dengue.

The campaign has resulted in more doctors recommending QDENGA® and a significant uptake in vaccination in endemic regions. More importantly, the campaign has helped to protect lives against the threat of dengue.

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