Cannes Lions

Dodge 25//8

GLUEIQ, Miami / DODGE / 2022

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Dodge wanted to drive traffic to their site ( in order to:

1. Increase LFA’s (lower funnel activity) – the process of building and pricing out a car

2.Capture user data for future engagement

In short, get people to configure their dream car in the middle of a cultural moment when it likely couldn’t be delivered.


For Dodge and their fans, 24/7 will never be enough.

25//8 means giving 110%, going the extra mile, living in overdrive. It’s the Dodge spirit. So we created Operation 25//8 to pay homage to the unique and passionate nature of the Dodge brand and its fans. And to do that, if we couldn’t sell them their dream car, maybe we could give them one.


Our approach broke all the category paradigms by reaching out beyond just car enthusiasts, and focusing the media strategy on the 25//8 ethos. We engaged 25 influencers to give away 25 Dodges over the last 8 weeks of the year. The team was chosen for their 25//8 spirit and ability to help Dodge engage with new audiences. We had 25//8 rockstars, TikTok stars, athletes, comedians and more, each creating their own content to appeal directly to their fans and followers in an authentic way. They were also pretty stoked to be able to each give one of their fans a customized Dodge worth up to $105,000.


Fans and followers of our 25//8 influencers learned of the contest through influencer channels, Dodge owned channels, paid social, and in the nearly 300 articles written about it. Fans were invited to visit, share what makes them 25//8, and customize their car of choice on Dodge’s configurator. The experience had visitors on the site for an average of 7 minutes, and we even had an incredible 37% of registrants return to the sweepstakes. Per our contest administrator, our registrations were 5000% above the industry benchmark.


4.9M Registrations

$14.7M Earned Media Value

75% LESS in Media Spend and 33% INCREASE in Lower Funnel Acquisitions (YoY)

2,983,328,290 Impressions

4,604,849 Video Views

3,571,005 OEM Site Visits

1,575,904 LFAs

1,175,121 BMOs

208 Articles

Registrations were 5000% above the industry benchmark per contest administrator.

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