Cannes Lions

Dr. Pee

OGILVY ECUADOR , Guayaquil / LA FABRIL / 2019


1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Supporting Images
Supporting Images






Among the 10 most common ways to die there are 3 that are diseases. Millions of people die daily from multiple diseases such as DIABETES, which affects 422 million people in the world, Hypertension around 1 billion people or Chronic Kidney Disease, which affects about 10% of the world's population.

This led us to look for an innovative solution that could easily integrate into the social culture, in order to help solve this problem, developing a product or service that is easy to use for people, without the need for high budgets for R&D.


A human being urinates 3 to 7 times a day. Urine is the first means of communication that our body uses to alert us of all imbalances in the body and the presence of potencial or existing diseases.

We rethink the use of the disinfectant pill of the toilets, so that in addition to disinfecting, react to abnormal parameters in the urine, changing the color of the water, alerting us, in a simple way, about our real state of health every time we go to the bathroom.


Urine is the first form of communication that our body uses to alert us about all imbalances and the presence of diseases in our organism. If we pay attention to these signals we could avoid future diseases in time. This is how we decided to take advantage of this information for using the traditional cleaning pill for the toilets, so that it can notify us about any possible disease or control of it in a massive, economical and simple way.


We designed a toilet disinfectant pill of similar dimensions and characteristics to those used by the vast majority of the population, but under a completely new reformulation of its components.

This new tablet contains enzymes, colorimetric indicators and other substances that react to abnormal parameters in the urine, which change the color of the toilet water generating a wide range of color spectrum ranging from green to magenta, depending on the health condition of the person. By this way we can interpret our real state of health in a clear and simple way.


A new product line was created into a brand new niche of health prevention. Focused into a massive market, in an economic and painless way, awakening a sense of prevention in the citizenry.

In the first month of testing, around 1823 indicators were generated through sampling and indoor communication in private and public bathrooms.

It is estimated that the Ecuadorian state will save millions of dollars in the control and treatment of catastrophic diseases, as well as for private insurers.

If people give the indicated attention to the product, it can be possible to prevent and reduce the impact of these diseases by up to 75%.

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