
Driven by Data

TBWA\BELGIUM, Brussels / MINI / 2018

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Case Film






In 2018, MINI launched an updated version of their three and five door models. The new features of the upgrade offered greater opportunities to personalize the car but were almost invisible on the outside. That is why, we wanted people to experience them at first hand during a test drive.

For dealerships test drives are the most efficient tool when it comes to securing sales. However, faced with a lack of time and remote location of the dealerships, drivers tend to limit down the number of actual test drives. That is why we decided to turn the test drive with the new upgraded model into a unique personal experience. The first fully personalized test drive in the most personalized car.


MINI is thé urban car brand. We wanted to provide people with a completely new and personal way of test driving a MINI in and around Brussels. Why? Because when you live in a big city like Brussels, you tend to mostly hang out in the areas you know, always ending up in the same neighborhood. We believe it’s a shame because there are so many places to be discovered and explored. Places you don’t know but really fit your preferences.


Multiple regulations and random itinerary make an average test drive rather unexciting and dull. MINI decided to turn an average test drive into a unique and personal experience. We had to find a way to reach a rather young (25-55) target audience via channels where the information is most cluttered: social media.

When Facebook data is used with good intentions, fantastic things can be done. It can be used to let people discover new, cool places really nearby… So we quickly decided that we needed to grab our audience' attention in a very personal way.


The AI tool analysed the user's activities since their first day on Facebook: likes, brands, pages, events, artists, activities, ... By categorising all information into main interest groups such as sports, music, technology, fashion, ..., it can draw a very accurate profile of the user. It then looked for Facebook places it could link to the user's interests and eliminated the ones already visited.

To give the most relevant result, it even checked keywords behind the user’s activities. It didn’t just send users who like food to a simple restaurant but to restaurant slash diving center in case he or she was into diving!

But then, March 2018: the Cambridge Analytica scandal. The sociatal role of Facebook is questioned and the call to regulate Facebook is increasing.

While the launches of new tools were held back, we were the only country and AI tool to get the approval to launch.


The results exceeded our expectations. We created 5.184 unique itineraries through Brussels. The number of activation participants was 3 times higher than our initial estimation. In a single month we delivered over 900 test drive leads (+ 400% increase). Finally, most importantly, our client received recognition on international level. MINI’s Driven by Data was a best practice in innovations applied to the market which proved the strength of our local idea. Oh yes, in total, there where over 995.000.000 possible unique itineraries.

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