Cannes Lions



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The Partnership at is known for commercials that talk teens out of doing drugs. But what if we talked to parents about their own underlying addictions?Parents can fuel teen drug use with their own addictions to Denial, Enabling, Fear, and Apathy. These powerful emotions can lead parents to ignore, deny or enable their teen’s drug use. So we decided to shine a light on this very real phenomenon.This concept was launched through two national TV spots in which the audience hears teens’ first-hand accounts of their parent’s devastating emotional addiction.To further the conversation, we reached out to parents at multiple touchpoints throughout their day with poll-based web banners, newspaper and magazine print, and our Emotional Drugs Facebook app, where parents could share their story, read others’ stories, ask an expert, or send an anonymous intervention to a friend.


Teen drug use is a problem many families face. But parents can fuel their teen’s drug use with their own addictions to denial, enabling, and fear. So we put the onus on parents to face their emotional addictions, starting with 2 national TV spots that feature teens’ first-hand accounts of their parent’s devastating addiction.To further shine a light on the effects of Emotional Drugs, the Partnership at reached out to parents in need at multiple touch-points throughout their day. We encouraged parents to share their opinion through poll-based web banners. Through newspaper and magazine print, we let them know that they’re not alone. The print and banners led the audience to our Emotional Drugs Facebook app, where parents could share their story, read others' stories, ask an expert, or send an anonymous intervention to a friend. Because if your child is on drugs, the chances are you are too.


The campaign is pacing well with 20.6% of impressions goal achieved through week 4 of the campaign. Click and ReTweet rates are above 140 Proof averages demonstrating the targeting and creative is speaking to its desired audience. After 1 month, CTR was 25% above average of 0.48% and the RPM Rate is 1.93 times above average.

The insight also resonated with viewers; “I’ve just seen the new 'Denial' and 'Enabling' commercials on CNN this morning. Well done! I’ve known some of those parents, and I vow to my children now, I will not be one. Thanks for all you do.”

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