Cannes Lions



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Our brief was to bring product desirability back to the heart of Creme Egg’s marketing with a new campaign idea.

Our audience was very broad, and highly diverse – we were speaking to all UK chocolate eaters.

Our objective was to create the mental availability that contributes to our ultimate goal: brand growth. In order to future-proof ourselves against increasing regulations, we needed to achieve our objective without using TV.


We turned our back on TV and stopped interrupting the entertainment to become the 'EATertainment' – the world’s first chocolate streaming service and a tongue in cheek take on the ever-increasing number of streaming platforms – that hosted original content with a Creme Egg at the heart.

Our three cinematic short films sat at the heart of the campaign and were our hero pieces of content. Each one a different genre to cater for our broad audience.

‘Armeggeddon’ dropped thriller fans into a post apocalyptic future where three friends find themselves trapped in a bunker with supplies and hope running out.

‘The Other Half’ tugged hard on the heart strings as it follows the lives and loving rituals of a sweet older couple.

And action fans were taken on a rollercoaster ride as a gang of misfits go to eggstreme lengths to get their hands on ‘The Last Delivery’.


Our target audience was very broad - we were talking to all chocolate eaters in the UK, and in particular, bringing back lapsed consumers aged 28+. Primary research showed that Creme Egg was an iconic brand in the UK, and the immersive eating experience and various ways of eating the product were a genuine talking point.

However, the media landscape has shifted significantly in recent years. UK consumers are less likely to sit down in front of live TV, favouring a more mobile, on-demand approach to entertainment consumption.

We turned the immersive, conversation-worthy experience of eating a Creme Egg into entertainment, by creating a series of films with our product at the heart of the drama. The brand became an entertainment provider.

Our content was designed for mobile, snackable consumption via social media or on our very own mobile-first streaming platform.


We behaved like an entertainment provider in every touchpoint, with new releases fuelling engagement throughout the campaign as our video content was teased across social and digital as trailers that drove everyone to our platform.

Our work was live from 29th December 2019 until 12th April 2020.


As a reach-driven FMCG brand, achieving impressions at scale was crucial. Without TV, our social content needed to do that heavy lifting – we delivered a total of 157.1 million impressions across all social platforms.

93% reach with no TV (versus 92% reach last year, with TV).

684 hours of content was watched on our EATertainment streaming service.

34.5 million video views across digital and social.

All three short films were Officially Selected at the Aesthetica Short Film Festival.

Smashed targets for view through rate on all social channels:

- Facebook 8% Planned vs 16.33% Delivered (+104%)

- Twitter 26% Planned vs 58% Delivered (+123%)

- Snapchat 0.33% Planned vs 5.21% Delivered (+1479%)

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