Cannes Lions


NBS, Rio De Janeiro / FUNDACAO ONDAZUL / 2015

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Case Film






The Ice Bucket Challenge, promoted to fundraise amyotrophic lateral sclerosis research, is a noble cause that deserves our support. But in Brazil, a huge part of population struggles with water shortage and many areas in the country still suffers with drought. The country's three most populous states are experiencing their worst drought since 1930.

That's why NGO OndAzul (“Blue Wave”) made its donation without dumping a drop of water and challenged people to do the same. A website was created to spread the “Empty Bucket Challenge” and host consumer generated videos. It also presented massive information about water issues in the country, bringing consciousness about the problem.

Anonymous and celebrities have engaged in this different vision of the movement and the campaign received large media coverage. That's how with the simple act of a donation, we supported the original cause and started a huge conversation about another one: water waste.


To show its support to the cause, OndAzul first donated R$ 500 to a Brazilian institution related to ALS research. Then a website was created to show not only the donation’s receipt, but also our alternative proposal for the challenge: use and empty bucket instead of filled with water. On a specific field, people could paste Youtube links of their own Empty Bucket Challenges.

The website also contained lots of information about water scarcity, tips on how to prevent it and real data about the wasting already caused by the original challenge. After the website went online, we started our PR strategy to publicize this new version of the movement, and engage those people who would still do their challenges.


Our challenge went viral too. On social networks, thousand of anonymous engaged in this new vision of the movement by recording or sharing videos. Celebrities spontaneously took part, which includes Rafinha Bastos, followed by 7M on Twitter and Nanda Costa and Roberto Birindelli who were currently starring important soap operas.

The challenge received large media coverage in the country, including “Domingão do Faustão”, Brazil’s most popular talk show. But the news went further and international websites also debated our initiative. TrendHunter quoted that “people are encouraged to take part, and make twice as much of a statement with their video uploads for ALS”.

At the end of the first week, PR value was estimated in U$ 1.2 million and more than 12 million people were reached. That’s how with the simple act of a donation, we supported the original cause and started a huge conversation about another one: water waste.

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