Cannes Lions


PAGÉS BBDO, Santo Domingo / LA SIRENA / 2017


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
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Knowing that men earn more money than women and are the majority in most of the job roles in the country, the brand wanted to show people how gender disparity looked like. For that day we would reframe TV shows by keeping the center focus on men to demonstrate the gender gap in the workplace. Addressing this issue allowed us to deliver a message that would inspire the nation to start a conversation and fight for equal rights for women in the workplace and society.


We selected the top Prime Time TV shows including news and variety programs featuring the most prominent celebrities in the country. We set out to demonstrate with a very simple camera movement how underestimating women at work actually looked. On set while the hostess was talking, on frame you would only see the man, while an overlay displayed the percentage of men versus women who occupied the same job roles in the most prominent professions in the country. How they appeared on frame represented this distribution. Throughout the show the camera would slowly reframe until 50% participation was reached. This is when the brand addressed the audience with a message that not only empowered women, but also invited the nation to start the conversation about gender equality in the workplace.


-The action got the attention and support of the media resulting in more than $160,000 dollars in free press.

-The most prominent celebrities in the country joined in on the brand's conversation about the importance of a nation that will no longer tolerate underestimating women's role in society generating brand awareness for La Sirena.

-The country's First Lady, Cándida Montilla de Medina, and the VicePresident, Margarita Cedeño joined the conversation expressing their desire to build a society with equal rights for both men and women. They even took this further and created a series of workshops and seminars to empower women in different fields.

-Due to the action's impact, La Sirena vowed to keep their policy to employ men and women equally without gender discrimination. Up to this date the company has a 55-45% ratio.

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