Cannes Lions



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Today needed to generate HIV/AIDS awareness amongst youngsters and get media´s attention again. An experiment was done: Erika Castellanos told the world she was HIV+ through her Facebook. She documented the struggle and discrimination, but also the support received. Her test spread online reaching youngsters; unleashing reactions and expressions from friends and strangers. The hashtag supporting her (PreVIHene=Prevent+HIV) became a trending topic.

Days before World AIDS Day she revealed the truth: she was never infected.

Erika risked her integrity exposing herself to show what HIV/AIDS patients live. She became the face of thousands who fear showing theirs.

On World AIDS Day, thousands of youngsters took to the streets wearing Erika´s face on masks supporting the experiment, spreading awareness and driving mass media´s attention. It was the most mentioned campaign during World AIDS Day in Colombia.

Most importantly: the experiment became a message of support for patients.


November 15th:

Erika´s first video saying she was HIV+ was posted. During the following week she posted different videos in her profiles describing her experience. Facing discrimination that HIV patients face, but also countless messages showing support from friends and strangers. She documented this struggle with Today´s help.

#PreVIHene(Prevent+HIV), the hashtag supporting her became a trending topic.

November 24th

Erika revealed the truth: she was never infected, but wanted to be in an HIV patient´s place, showing everyone what they go through. Her experiences became a message of support and solidarity towards patients.

December 1st (World AIDS Day)

30 thousand youngsters took to the streets wearing Erika´s face on masks, supporting the campaign and increasing awareness while driving the mass media´s attention. It was the most mentioned campaign by mass media on World AIDS Day nationwide.

Messages expressing admiration and support from patients and foundations kept arriving afterwards.


We achieved getting Free Press in more than 10 different media which are relevant to our target (objective accomplishment of 500%). Earned media was estimated in over USD $100.000 and reach went over 168.000 people as a result of 10 influencers who supporter our initiative.

30.000 direct contacts who wore Erika´s face and received product.

8´128.260 impacts for the campaign as a result of our social network and digital actions.

Hashtag #preVIHene had over 2.5 million impressions.

We were the most mentioned campaign on World AIDS Day in Colombia.

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