Cannes Lions

Explore Stockholm



1 Bronze Cannes Lions
2 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Supporting Images
Supporting Images






No matter what city in the world you visit - every site, building, monument, square and pavement has a history. Tourists are often told the story that suits the masses. Unfortunately that's rarely the most interesting one.

Explore Stockholm is a guided tour where travelers are in control.

Based on the car's position we tell stories in realtime using two screens and a narrative from the car-speakers. In this guide travelers decide which Stockholm they want to experience - be it history, shopping, nightlife, food, fashion or Nordic Noir. Their choice of theme dictates which places we visit and the stories they'll experience.

The application puts the user in control and provides an intuitive GUI. In addition to the narrative, pictures, documentaries and videos (archived material from TV-stations as well as clips produced solely for this) the app is packed with extra material.


Tourists are hard to reach or influence by media investments especially when lacking both price advantages and a global network. The strategy was to take the advantage of being local and reach tourists through tourism personnel rather than media investments, it proved to be a good strategy when the choice of taxi brand often lies with the hotel staff.


- The product is scalable in availability ie cars. If the demand increases Taxi Stockholm can increase the number of installations.

- To add or remove various themes is relatively simple which means that Explore Stockholm always is up to date.

- There are few tourist attractions that's customized for the Swedish climate and weather especially during the dark months, which means that Explore Stockholm contributes to broaden the city tourist offer all year around and allows tourism personnel to have a long-term offer to their guests.


During the very first week Explore Stockholm generated a whole new revenue stream - 8% new business

Explore Stockholm generated 4 times more media impressions than ever before -

12 354 913 reach in media impression

ROI on bought media, compared to earned skyrocketed - 2583% (with barely 10% of previous year media spendings)


The newspaper Metro

"Astonishingly effective! The first second I´m giggling with expectations only to feel next how one’s tears are burning”

SR P4 (Swedens largest radio station):

”Really, really exciting! A superb experience and a different take on a guided tour.

The Local

"I´ll never view Stockholm in quite the same light again. The original footage brings the crime scens into sharp focus, in a way that no walking tour could quite match”


”It’s like a podcast, a tv-documentary and reality merged together”

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