Cannes Lions

Eyes on the fries

NORD DDB, Oslo / MCDONALD'S / 2022

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Research shows that 67% of all Norwegian's think eating and driving is safe, but it's in fact as dangerous as texting and driving. McDonald's is Norway's largest supplier of food along Norwegian roads, and as such provide a lot of tempting food for drivers to eat. McDonald's wanted to create an awareness campaign to ensure that the focus of the drivers remained on the road while driving and not on their food.


We noticed how the yellow road dividers on Norwegian roads and the famous MacFries look alike. So what if we could turn the markings on the roads into our ads? The "Eyes on the fries" campaign used the yellow stripes on the road as a symbol to remind people to focus on the road and not the yellow fries in your takeout bag.


With knowledge of the dangers of eating and driving, it was a challenge to promote Drive-Thru sales without becoming a bigger part of the problem. Inattention while driving is in fact one of the leading causes of accidents, and since 50% of every McDonald’s meal in Norway is served through our Drive-Thru, we felt the need to take responsibility.

In order to build trustworthiness and relevance to a message regarding road safety we conducted a survey investigating the public’s attitude towards eating while driving. This information mixed with joint-marketing with Norway’s biggest road-safety organization “Trygg Trafikk” ensured our message gained credibility and trustworthiness.

With the insight and message intact we targeted people who were driving, about to eat a Drive-Thru meal, planning to drive, or anyone thinking about cars or driving.


"Eyes on the fries" was executed in two different ways: By using a graphic treatment in the McDonald's brand style and by using images of Norwegian roads. We executed every placement at the same time so people would recognize the campaign all the way from banner to the drive-thru bag. Each placement the campaign appeared on was relevant to driving whether it was on busses og buss shelters, on websites about cars or on the actual takeout bag you get at the drive thru. The campaign went live in all of Norway and every single takeout bag delivered through McDonald's drive thru windows in the campaign period had the sticker on it as a seal and ad to remind them not to eat and drive.


A post test discovered a positive change in sentiment towards McDonald's:

Is an ethical and responsible company +5pp = 25,0% increase.

Brand that makes a difference +4pp = 26,1% increase.

Has food I feel good about eating +4pp = 20,0% increase.

The campaign gathered 17.1 million earned impressions and increased drive thru sales by 19% and overall sales by 34% in the campaign period.

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