Cannes Lions

FATHER, by Guga Kuerten

ASAS.BR.COM, Sao Paulo / ITAU / 2016

Supporting Content






To be able to answer to this briefing, it was clear to us that we should create a narrative that should tell a story about people and not about the brand that wouldn’t be limited only to the Father’s Day promotional date.

For this reason, we’ve chosen a hero that is well known in Brazil and worldwide whose character has been greatly influenced by the fathers he acquired throughout his life.

As Guga Kuerten was releasing his biography at that time, a plunge into his story and his hero’s journey was decisive for the choice of the protagonist.


The 10-minute movie was produced for the brand’s digital platforms, especially Facebook and Youtube, as well as for pay TV and Cinemas.

It was released on the week before Father’s Day (08/05/2015) and went on until de end of the month.

A reduced 3 minutes version was screened during entire commercial breaks on FOX channels from 07/08/15 to 09/08/15), replacing ad films for content - a relevant and engaging story that invited the audience to watch the full version on the Internet or in movie theatres.


14 million impacts on the web with over 9 million views

20 million impacts through spontaneous media generated by 35 websites and 105 million impacts on TV and cinema resulting in a total of 140 million of impacts.

98% positive buzz - the best results ever of a communication piece developed for the brand.

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