Cannes Lions

Feast for All


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Case Film
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As a leading ambassador for a diverse night life, Absolut drives its commitment to a non-discriminatory party culture. By embracing the narrative “We are all born to Mix” Absolut aims to bring people together, raise awareness about diversity, broaden perspectives and encourage respect within the Austrian society. By addressing relevant social issues and establishing brand core values such as openness and inclusion, Absolut wants to create a deep emotional connection with its audience and gain positive media coverage to enhance the brand’s credibility and its commitment to social causes.


Vienna’s Kunsthistorisches Museum is a globally renowned attraction and art collection. Among its exhibited artworks, the largest painting on display and one of the most important depictions of festive culture is “The Feast of the Bean King”. It lacks any kind of diversity or representation, serving as a symbol of exclusion instead. To change this narrative and rewrite history, Absolut collaborated with artist Tyron Egbowon and DEI advisor Leni Charles to create a new and diverse interpretation: the “Feast For All”. Within weeks of work and dedication, the traditional image of a white supremacist society was transformed with representative ambassadors of diversity and inclusion from various backgrounds. The painting was on display at the Kunsthistorisches Museum for several weeks, symbolizing diversity. Using AI, visitors were able to bring the painting to life, learn about the portrayed experiences with discrimination and interact with the public installation on a deeper level.


The audience includes Vienna’s general public, especially open-minded young adults such as millennials and the Gen Z generation. They are enthusiastic about cultural experiences and value a balanced, authentic lifestyle, stay informed about important social and environmental issues, and consider cultural engagement as a form of social currency. The project aims to connect with this audience by aligning with their values and aspirations. The creative idea of reinterpreting a historical artwork reflects current values of diversity and inclusivity. By collaborating with a contemporary artist, exhibiting the artwork as a public installation and using AI technology, the project aims to create an interactive and educational experience with the brand. The approach is designed to engage the audience on multiple levels – visually, intellectually, and emotionally – to provoke thought and encourage dialogue about diversity and inclusion in society. It inspires to make positive change by creating connections beyond differences.


To bring “Feast For All” to life we selected prominent advocates and ambassadors for inclusion and diversity with various backgrounds. We collaborated closely with DEI Advisor Leni Charles during the entire process, seeking her guidance and expertise in all matters related to diversity. Collaborating with the upcoming artist Tyrone Egbowon, the rework was created within several weeks of work and dedication to detail, including the creation of a customized frame and easel. Following a successful launch event, the painting was prominently displayed at the Kunsthistorisches Museum. For several weeks, visitors were able to view the painting and, using an AI filter in the Artivive app, scan the faces of the people portrayed to learn about their discrimination experiences. The project was concluded with a big closing event at the museum. Guests participated in guided tours about diversity, watched drag shows, enjoyed Absolut drinks and celebrated together.


The "Feast For All" exhibition gained significant attention from the media and went viral on social media. It generated over 400,000 social media impressions, a media value of 192k and a PR value of 407k. Over 60,000 visitors came to see the painting during the exhibition period. The interactive videos on the Artivive app were viewed more than 10,000 times. The closing event was a huge success, selling out within hours and attracting 900 guests who celebrated together in the Kunsthistorisches Museum. This project sparked a national discourse in Austria and raised Absolut's brand perception, establishing it as a leader in the beverage and consumer goods sector. It demonstrated the potential of creative collaborations to generate meaningful conversations and drive social change.

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