Cannes Lions




1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






We launched an experiment lasting all summer and showing the true meaning of life at the festivals: De Festivolhouder.

You thought 3 days at a music festival was exhausting? How about 100 days, non-stop.

De Festivolhouder didn’t just report about the festivals. He lived the festivals.

This resulted in over 36 hours of content which showed the reality of life at the festivals.

It turned De Festivolhouder into a walking activation for Studio Brussel, present at every Summer festival, and ready to be our must-see at every festival ground.


We decided to push De Festivolhouder on different media throughout Summer. The channels to promote each piece of content were selected based on the expected lifespan of content on those channels.

This resulted in 100 days of content showing the reality –with all the ups and downs- of life at the festivals:

- Launch of the campaign through print, radio and VRT’s own television channels

- Daily content through Instagram Stories gave people an unpolished, raw view from De Festivolhouder’s own experience.

- Ongoing updates with live testimonies and interventions by De Festivolhouder on radio

- Weekly recaps on Facebook used to amplify Instagram’s reach.

- Biweekly recaps, on television stations of the public broadcaster (VRT).

- A final short-format documentary wrapped up the entire summer and aired on the online video platform of the public broadcaster (


31 stage dives, 55 hamburgers, 810 beers, 9 hangovers, 14 French kisses and 4 drunk guys pissing on his tent later, we improved Studio Brussel’s interaction with its festival-loving audience:

- De Festivolhouder got press attention in all national media (newspapers, television)

- 14.000 (+11%) more Instagram followers in 3 months’ time

- During the experiment, the popularity of our Instagram Stories increased with over 100%. Even after the campaign we noticed a permanent boost of 25% for each new story.

- Facebook’s weekly recaps amplified Instagram’s reach with up to 320.000 people reached with each post.

- Total campaign reach of 7.5 million people (in a country of 11 million people)

This made de Festivolhouder Studio Brussel’s most successful Summer campaign ever.

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