Cannes Lions

Film Craft- The Look








In this commercial, we find Benicio del Toro at an upscale bar. Benicio tells us that it takes 15 years to become a Heineken brewmaster, which is almost as long as it took him to master his alluring “look.” Benicio proceeds to demonstrate his “look” on the bartender. He and the bartender lock eyes as she pours an ice-cold Heineken. Once the Heineken is poured, the bartender approaches Benicio to give him the beer. Benicio’s “look” seems to be working. Then, just when we think the bartender will stop and deliver the Heineken to Benicio, she passes and instead, gives it to a man seated behind Benicio. The beer was intended for this man all along. Benicio brushes off the failure of his “look”, telling us that he is still practicing. Some skills take time to master – Benicio’s “look” and the skill to become a Heineken brewmaster.


‘There’s More Behind the Star’ takes us into the world behind two stars – Heineken and our spokesperson. Whoever we cast would be integral to the campaign’s success. We needed someone with genuine fame, so that when the comparison to Heineken is made – star to star – it has impact. We also needed someone mysterious enough to spark curiosity about what’s behind his stardom. Additionally, our lead required the acting skill necessary to execute the restrained humor of each script. Finally, since this was a global campaign, we needed someone with international reach. Benicio Del Toro was the perfect fit: An Oscar winner with a mysterious aura and powerful presence, and has a Latin background that gives him international relevance. After choosing the lead, supporting actors were selected to compliment Benicio and the subtle comedy he achieves within each commercial, as well as to best represent the Heineken brand.

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