Cannes Lions


R/GA, Chicago / CAPITAL ONE / 2014

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The objectives of the campaign were to raise awareness of the card and tie it to travel, placing the work in a crowded and competitive messaging space where differentiation is key to reaching an audience successfully.


As users tweeted their #Bucketlist locations, we responded with personalized inspiration of their destinations. The beautiful tweet-inspired imagery included typography designed by Tumblr artists. Tumblr was a natural fit to showcase the growing list of #Bucketlist destinations all over the world. It became the world’s first crowd-sourced #Bucketlist.

Using both Twitter and Tumblr allowed us to play to the strengths of each platform and reach different user groups. With Twitter, we engaged in a travel-rich conversation. And with Tumblr, we worked with unique creators on the platform to bring these travel dreams to life. Capital One became one of the first brands to market within the Tumblr content feed. And the beautiful images on the Venture Tumblr were natural elements for people to reblog, tweet, and pin.


#RallyCry surprised everyone with its staggering results: 18,000 Twitter mentions. A 268% jump over average Twitter engagement levels. More than 130 million organic impressions over the 3-week tournament. In the end, Capital One beat out Coke and AT&T (by a large margin) as the most social brand of the 2013 NCAA Tournament. We provided a real social utility for fans by amplifying an existing conversation and their response was overwhelmingly positive.

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