Cannes Lions


FALLON, Minneapolis / NUVEEN / 2009

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Beautiful, framed, fine-print posters were hung on the walls in the Cubs skybox area. As fans walked around this area, they were exposed to these messages. The framed posters themselves also served as tasteful, upscale art that decorated the skybox spaces. The entrance to the skybox was a painted, wall-sized version of one of the posters.


Upon seeing the Nuveen Cubs campaign, an executive from a company that previously owned the sponsorship space complained bitterly to his marketing team that “We blew it. We should have done something as good as the Nuveen work.” (An anecdote from one of the Cubs marketing directors.) Fans sent letters to Nuveen thanking them for their beautiful sponsorship executions and requested reprints for themselves. Nuveen Investments became seen a part of the Cubs “team.” Trade press also covered the campaign extensively. Alas, the Cubs still blew it.

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