Cannes Lions

Growing Old Happily According To Achmea

TBWA\NEBOKO, Amsterdam / ACHMEA / 2023

Case Film







The Dutch population is aging. There is a shortage of suitable housing for the elderly. 450.000 extra suitable homes are needed before 2040 to house all these elderly people. The government and companies must accelerate the development to make this happen.


Achmea is the largest insurance company in the Netherlands and has 10 million customers. They wanted to draw attention to the suitable housing issue fort he elderly, invite people to think about suitable housing on time and explain that Achmea is investing in new housing solutions.


Get people talking about the elderly housing issue earlier in their lives and present the available living solutions.

Target audience:

The primary audience were adults with a focus 55+ years old. The secondary audience was all parties involved in developing housing (government, investors, developers and media)


Director approach:

The creative builds up the tension by showing people breaking in an abandoned house, arriving of the police and the possible confrontation between the police and the squatters. It shows the squatters getting settled and the police getting ready for the raid.

Design elements:

The black and white effect showed the shared goal the squatters are rallying around. They all want more suitable housing for the elderly. And they want it now.


Achmea’s support of the elderly was perceived as very sympathetic. Of the respondents who have seen the campaign, a large majority (63%) indicate they have been made to think about the future housing situation by the campaign. This effect is strongest among young people (73%).

The perception of the extent to which Achmea contributes to solving social issues is increasing (+7) among respondents who are familiar with the campaign and strongest among young people who are familiar with the campaign (+9).

The campaign mainly affects the ‘social’ reputation driver. We see one here in all groups within the General Public increase (+5).

The campaign was named as 1 of the top 2022 campaigns by Adformatie, the major advertising media outlet in the Netherlands.

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