Cannes Lions
JWT BRAZIL, Sao Paulo / NOKIA / 2009
Taking advantage of the São Paulo municipal elections in 2008, we joined the conversation and asked the question: "If you could give a gift to your city, what would it be? Visit Nokia Store and vote for the gift you want for São Paulo"We spread this concept in several medias:On print ads, posters, flyers, etc.On the internet, each person could create their own electoral video defending a favorite gift.On the radio, we promoted a debate between 3 famous Brazilian personalities, each one defending a favorite gift.
- The campaign drove five thousand people to the launching of the Nokia Store SP, opening the polls.
- 40.000 votes in 2 months.- 130.000 single visitors in the website.- 800 releases and comments on the subject.- 1 million people reached.- On December 8th 2008, the winner was revealed.- In January 25th 2009, the entire USP Campus, the largest one in Brazil, will receive a free Wi-Fi internet network from Nokia Store.
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