Cannes Lions


PHD INDIA, Mumbai / UNILEVER / 2015

Case Film
Case Film
Presentation Image






Young Indian girls are taking upon themselves to opine on Beauty, Fashion, Lifestyle & Experiences… and personal blogs have now become a canvas for self-expression. Most of it however rests in form of a visual/text blogs.

Globally, several beauty YouTube stars like MacBarbie07; Candy Johnson have millions-strong fan followings. This popularity opens up many avenues for these young fashionistas – especially to make some serious bucks by monetizing their content on YouTube.

Our target group’s viewership trends revealed that they were gobbling up video blogging content from international bloggers and were using them as inspiration to experiment with their looks.

There existed a gap in the Indian blogger ecosystem for the beauty segment.


Partnering with Google & other industry mavens, BeBeautiful conducted a Video MasterClass with the bloggers. From fun, engaging sessions with fashion and make-up experts who inspired trendspotting and subject ideas, to hardcore technical specialists on the craft of filmmaking and editing. The MasterClass gave bloggers an enriching experience, and every reason to go the video way! The win-win situation: By supporting them with expert domain knowledge on Beauty & Fashion, Technical know-how to shoot and edit video blogs for themselves; the Vloggers were expected to give us Vlogs in return. Handpicked Vlogs featuring Unilever beauty brands then broadcasted on the BeBeautiful YT channel. In favor of their content, they get recognition and popularity from India’s largest beauty destination!


As of today, the Be Beautiful channel has over 69,000 subscribers and 43 million views.

Over 108 years of content has been viewed on our channel since launch. All this without a single rupee spent in production costs.

The VlogOn content has reached approximately 82% of the female audience on YouTube and 31% on the total female internet population.

Through VlogOn, HUL beauty brands got endorsement from the most influential beauty and fashion bloggers in India. BeBeautiful VlogOn is the single largest beauty destination with video content India. Surpassing the combined digital reach of competing brands.

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