Cannes Lions
While 99% of drivers believe that texting while driving is "somewhat" or "very dangerous," 17% admit they still could not resist the temptation. Moving beyond simple prevention, the SAAQ decided to cut the temptation at its source.
We developed a mobile application for Androids that blocks all in-comings calls and messages while sending an automatic response advising that the user is presently behind the wheel and will respond when they have finished driving. The user receives the blocked messages when they arrive at their destination and can then reply. An alert can also be set up reminding the user to turn on the application before they start out.
Convinced that game thinking (gamification) could help change behaviour in a meaningful way, we decided to challenge users: collectively drive around the world responsibly. Of the drivers that completed the first five world tours together with the application on -- equivalent to 4,007 hours at an average speed of 50 km/h – five would win a gift card for the cash value of the gas required to complete a tour.
The SAAQ received overwhelmingly positive user feedback and press coverage. To date, over 7,300 users have completed a total of 43 world tours with the application on. At an average speed of 50 km/h, that equates to over 34,000 hours of safer driving.
Realizing the solution did not lie in a traditional media campaign but in the phone itself, we developed a mobile application for Android that blocks all in-comings calls and messages while sending an automatic reply advising that the user is currently behind the wheel and will respond when they have stopped driving. Thanks to the automatic reply feature, the application was publicized via its users and supported by mobile banners and an extensive public relations effort that generated excellent coverage in the Quebec press.
To promote the application, we also held a contest that challenged users: collectively drive around the world responsibly. Of the drivers that completed the first five world tours together with the application on - equivalent to 4,007 hours at an average speed of 50 km/h – five would win a gift card for the cash value of the gas required to complete a tour.
The SAAQ received overwhelmingly positive user feedback and press coverage. To date, over 7,300 users have completed a total of 43 world tours with the application on. At an average speed of 50 km/h, that equates to over 34,000 hours of safer driving.
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