
Food Happiness

JUNG RELATIONS, Stockholm / ARLA / 2017

Presentation Image
Case Film






Open a magazine or follow a lifestyle blogger and soon enough you’ll surely face a bunch of suggestions: Detox cures and exercising programs. Follow the recommendation, get confused and above all very hungry.

Arla gave us a challenge. To manage a product that’s been associated with fat and unhealthiness – butter. In health-conscious Sweden at that.

We knew that butter couldn’t compete in “wholesomeness”. We took a different route by showing the health aspect of enjoying good food. Good food makes us happier.

An integrated campaign was created. With Arla’s iconic Svenskt Smör as the sender.

Butter has been synonymous with fat and unhealthiness. A challenge in health orientated country such as Sweden. Arla gave us the chance to manage this product category.


National Sifo survey: The survey confirmed what Arla always believed – food and happiness goes hand in hand. Good food made 80% happier and as much as 84% thought that butter made the food taste better.

Inspirational: Malin and Jimmy noticed that good food, company and challenges in the kitchen can exercise the brain in activities that makes it feel good, thereby increase our wellbeing. We gathered the results on the digital platform and on Arla’s social media.

Press: The results were shared with food and lifestyle journalists as well as exclusive interviews with Malin Rapp and Jimmi Eriksson.

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