Cannes Lions

For The Next Generation - Midea ESG Video

LETS TWINKLE, Shanghai / MIDEA / 2024

Case Film
Presentation Image
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• Brand values specific to the chosen goal:

Ensure that both internal and external stakeholders are aware of Midea's commitment to ESG

• Brief:

Launch Midea Group's inaugural marketing campaign focused on sustainable development.

• Objectives:

Gain global employee recognition, earn respect from partners, and win the affection of ordinary consumers. Additionally, allow Midea Group to develop its own unique and differentiated expression in subsequent ESG marketing initiatives.


Allow the next generation of humanity to set the "ESG standards," as the world belongs to the youth. People care deeply for their children, and Chinese parents, in particular, are known for their indulgence, willing to invest everything in their offspring. Therefore, involving children in the establishment of ESG standards is the direction that corporate ESG initiatives should take.


As a major manufacturing powerhouse on the global stage, China has not yet seen widespread adoption of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles. Not only is the general public largely unaware, but even corporate employees often struggle to understand their company's investment actions in relation to ESG. However, we have recognized that people are most concerned about their children's well-being. By involving children in the development of ESG standards, we tap into a universal desire to ensure a better future for the next generation. No one wishes for their offspring to lead a life of hardship.


An event in which we invited hundreds of children, many of whom are the offspring of Midea Group employees, to articulate their visions for future life and to visit Midea Group's factories. The objective was to use the children's aspirations for a better world to guide Midea Group on how to establish its ESG standards. Subsequently, Midea Group will re-examine what sustainable practices it still needs to adopt and integrate them as ongoing standards.

The project, initiated at the end of 2023, will be a perpetual endeavor. It is an activity that Midea Group will implement globally.


Midea Group will continuously refine its various investments in sustainable development in response to the children's suggestions, with the standard being "a better future for the children." Since the project's launch, it has garnered 2.1 billion exposures across 58 countries worldwide. This is an initiative that Midea will sustain indefinitely, periodically inviting children to offer suggestions and conduct reviews to constantly optimize sustainability practices.

This endeavor serves as a catalytic guide for the entire industry, gradually leading Midea Group and the general public to realize that environmental protection is a matter of direct concern to everyone.

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