Cannes Lions


KETCHUM, San Francisco / HAAGEN DAZS / 2009


1 Gold Cannes Lions
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The Häagen-Dazs brand (HD) was getting stung by stagnating sales and declining consumer interest. To reconnect with its consumers, HD decided to make its first foray into cause marketing. It found a highly relevant cause upon which 40% of its all-natural ingredients depended for their very existence: honey bees. HD would champion the “disappearing honey bees” by raising awareness of and trying to help solve the underreported issue known as Colony Collapse Disorder.

HD loves HB (Honey Bees) was launched with a new flavour dedicated to honey bees, a new logo on all products dependent on the tiny pollenators, a new consumer education website, and print and TV advertising. But the biggest lever was public relations. The PR program added gravitas to the campaign’s tone, formed an expert advisory board, directed donations to research and created a way for thousands to plant bee-friendly habitats to help save bees.

The campaign exceeded all expectations. HD saw its highest sales increase in 12 months, garnered 277+ million impressions with $1.5 million in advertising equivalencies, and increased consumer brand advocacy by 13%, reaching 69%, the highest level among 19 different ice cream brands measured.


Donation: Awarded $250,000 to Pennsylvania State University (PSU) and the University of California, Davis (UCD) for CCD research; and $10,000 to The Pollenator Partnership.Bee Board: The brand created an advisory board of PSU/UCD scientists and two beekeepers to guide communications and serve as media spokespeople.Industry outreach: Prior to launch, the brand announced the campaign to beekeepers/scientists at an industry conference, engaging experts who became brand ambassadors.Media Outreach: As a media multiplier, the team first went to, feeding hundreds of Web outlets and driving local broadcast/print.Million Seeds Challenge: The team challenged supporters to help HD plant one million seeds for bee-friendly habitats, giving enthusiasts “HD loves HB” seed packets. Ice Cream Social on Capitol Hill: During Pollinator Week, the brand and The Pollinator Partnership hosted a Capitol Hill briefing and ice cream social; the HD Brand Director testified before Congress on behalf of CCD.


Business:• April sales spiked 5.2% (largest in one year). Sustained 4% revenue growth (April-July 2008).Awareness: • 277 million earned media impressions with paid advertising equivalency of $1.5 million • 1,097+ unique news placements (CNN, AP, NPR, WSJ, Today, NYT, Everyday with Rachael Ray)• 93% of media coverage was overwhelmingly favourable; 100% mentioned brand name • 12-point increase in PR and “buzz” level over previous quarters• In one year, 8-point increase in consumer awareness of issue; 6-point increase in identification of issue; and highest unaided consumer brand recall among companies working to help bees (Omnibus)Behaviour:• 1.2 million Consumers planted bee-friendly habitats with free seeds• 469,798 unique visitors swarmed (76% above industry average); average of eight page views per visit (82% above average)• Brand advocacy rating jumped 13% between Q1 & Q2 to 69% (highest in category, exceeding rival Ben and Jerry’s).

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