Cannes Lions


FULLSIX, Levallois-Perret / LA POSTE / 2003

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ContextLa Poste has recently decided to launch a unique ISP offer, different from the ones promoted by its competitors.Issue to SolveHow to position and recruit La Poste ISP users without implementing the heavy media campaigns its competitors have invested in (€15 to 60M per year)?ObjectivesTo recruit 100,000 clients before end 2003 and 30,000 during the launching period (March to June)Answer- To implement a strong targeted recruitment strategy (new comers, unsatisfied current ISP users) sustained by an adapted media plan, integrating relevant supports, online and offline, inside and outside the La Poste network- Deployment of strong creative with a high impact identity via cartoon like 'virtual characters'- A direct tone and speech, giving high value to the La Poste trust asset, involving the brand in a new domain, in direct line with its main activities.ResultsA media campaign which reached higher conversion rates than the current average ones:- a 1.4% click rate versus 0.3%- a 1.26% conversion rates versus 0.37%- a 2.17% subscription rate for the e-mailing versus 1.1%

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