Cannes Lions


BBDO INDIA, Gurgaon / GE-DAKO / 2012

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How do we change GE's perception from being a distant American multinational, to a company that is engaged in making a positive impact on the lives of people at the grassroots in India?The client wanted to demonstrate how GE is a company that's here in India, for India.


Insight: When you make a deep and positive impact on the lives of a community, it starts to reflect in their cultural fabric and folk arts.

Idea:What if the campaign was not created by an ad agency, but by the indigenous communities whose lives GE impacted? That would be the greatest proof of their commitment to India.We engaged with tribal artists from rural communities and asked them to use their own unique art forms to depict how GE's technology was improving their lives. We used our advertising space to provide a platform to these artists and help bring back their art into the mainstream.


This campaign effectively repositioned GE as an Indian company, committed to India's progress at the grassroot level. Especially with bureaucrats and policy makers.

This generated huge interest in the media about GE's work in India.

FirstPost commented on the campaign - 'GE is instantly less an American multinational and more a multinational that understands India.' Revived mainstream and commercial interest in marginalised art forms like Gond, Madhubani,Saura and Kutch patchwork and opened up opportunities to folk artists to exhibit their work in urban art galleries.

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2023, OMO

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