Cannes Lions

Getting the Kids Off the Console

OMD GERMANY, Dusseldorf / HASBRO / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






Kids used to love running around outside, blasting and competing in games. On the face of it that looks to have disappeared, with new technology and issues like obesity seemingly sucking all motivation out of our children to get up and do anything.

But when we looked deeper, we realised that the natural instincts of competition, improving their skills and a need for exciting are all still there. Thousands of years of evolution doesn't change overnight based on the distractions of some new tech! It's just that those fundamental desires are being played out in bedrooms and through gaming consoles. Their attentions had been diverted, all we needed to do was divert in back! Easy, right?!

We needed to divert their attention back, not by telling them, but by motivating through their influencers who set the example to millions by sitting at the consoles, competing on-line and not going outside.


During three months, the influencer teams practice, play and fight against each other in videos and bring the “Nerf Teamsport” to life: Teamwork, communication and speed are required, because time is running! In addition, hardcore fans can win a wild card to play with their influencers.

We supported the campaign with paid for media across digital and social (YouTube True View, YouTube Bumper Ads, Online Display Ads, Social Paid Ads (Instagram, Facebook), SEA). All with a clear call to action encouraging kids to show us their Nerf Blaster skills and they could compete against their heroes!


Nerf Teamsport was an instant hit in getting kids off the sofa and into the real-world games. Importantly it was a success for the brand. Awareness increased by 115%, and purchase intent by 300% with the Nerf Blasters becoming a toy in demand again in Germany. Proceeding from a market stagnation, the campaign hit like a bombshell and increased the Nerf Blaster sales into +22%.

Thus, not only +700,000 blasters were sold, but also every fourth child who regularly plays console games, involved in the TeamSport campaign and brought back to real outdoor gaming.

Due to the success of the campaign in 2017, for 2018 the campaign is planned even larger – and is called from now on “NERF DART BLASTER LEAGUE” (NDBL). For next season, it is planned to use more influencer, organize various events, and many more!

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2018, HASBRO

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