Cannes Lions


UM, Manila / JOHNSON & JOHNSON / 2014

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Teens in The Philippines believe that they are more than what adults think they are. They want to be empowered & change the negative stereotype that adults place on them. Their positive irreverence makes them believe that they can do something big, make a difference. Adults can vote and choose their leaders, but what about the underage teens who can’t? How do they make their voices heard? And reach the people who matter?”

Modess is the market leader in the sanitary napkin category but has weakened its connection with the young category users due to aggressive competition. Teens feel that their current brand understands them. Hence Modess is not a brand of choice or consideration for them. The challenge was to appeal, build an emotional connection with the teens in The Philippines.

Teens are at a life stage, where the agenda is to make their own choices, want their opinions heard, and are enthusiastic to be a part of a purpose. Freedom of space & speech gives them the importance and sense of pride in their peer group. The challenge was to make the right voice reach the right people.


The 'Your Voice Your Move' campaign was created during the May 2013 National Elections that got teens canvassing to the senators about the change they wanted. It was an open ballot to establish their “pinoy pride”.

We created a multimedia campaign to direct young girls to our website, where they could share their shout-out through video upload or using only text.

We partnered with a well-connected network to maximize the effects of our campaign, advertising on outdoor billboards, through TV ads, utilizing teen celebrities and digitally via Facebook and popular teen blogs and websites.

Our target was to gather as many opinions as possible that would then form a book that would express the teenagers’ 'Charter of Demands' to the senators.

Thousands of teen voices were published in a book that was launched in an exclusive event and a copy of it was sent to all newly elected senators


Modess managed to completely reverse the situation in their favor, now having a positive image amongst teens that also expressed their trust towards the brand after the campaign

Thousands of teen voices were collected in the micro-site and on-ground activation which later published in a book that was delivered to the newly-elected senators

The campaign was considered to be one of the most successful ones for the brand:

-Earned media worth PHP 7.6 MM++

-Influenced 2 point Market share increase (from a declining Market share trend) in just 3 months, a rare feat in the category

- Delivered improved scores on Brand health on being an innovative brand

- More than 2X the number of entries (excluding entries via comments on facebook)

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