Cannes Lions



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Project mirror is a video produced to help spread the message of Global Handwashing Day.Global Hand Washing Day is a worldwide campaign established three years ago by World Bank, UNICEF, P&G and other partners to prevent diarrheal related deaths and diseases in children ages five and below. Celebrated every October 15, the campaign started with over 120M children in 70 countries.In the Philippines, where 10,000 die yearly from diarrhoea, thousands of school children participated in the Safeguard sponsored event. By simple behavioural changes such as proper hand washing with soap, mortality rates can be reduced by almost 50%.The theme of Global Handwashing Day 2010 is More than a Day, which aimed to impart the message that frequent handwashing with soap should become a part of the daily routine of every one before eating and after using the toilet.With this in mind, a limerick that incorporates the key messages of Global Handwashing Day was created. Performed with handclaps, the limerick is a fun mnemonic and teaching tool in the form of a game.In tandem with this, a film-demo is posted on the GHD website/Facebook for the rest of the world to learn the handclap game.


The following strategies were employed from the first year:1) P&G mounted a press conference with UNICEF to kick-start Global Handwashing Day. This was done in Museo Pambata (Children's Museum) with a ceremonial handprinting symbolizing the commitment of the partners to the campaign.2) A roadshow was conducted to elicit support from more partners for the campaign. The 16 partners that supported the campaign include Philippine National Red Cross, the Philippine Association of Medical Technologists, LGUs, schools, Philippine General Hospital and other agencies.3) A senate resolution was sought to institutionalize the national government's support.

4) Banners bearing the key messages were put up along the length of the longest artery connecting Metro Manila.4) A main event on October 15 was mounted and attended by all the partners and 300 school children.5) A game was created as a fun way to teach handwashing to young children.


As a result, institutionalization of handwashing education in schools through the Essential Health Care Package program was created, with implementation starting in 2010. This ensured that Global Handwashing Day will be observed not just for one day in the year, but every day.In Year 1, the targeted 3,116 schools began integrating daily group handwashing sessions with soap in their class schedules. Based on actual enrolment for SY 2010-2011, this means about 1,050,591 pre-school and elementary pupils are benefiting from the EHCP program. This number exceeds the original target of 1,002,669 students by 5 percent.

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