Cannes Lions



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To bring forth the issue of human rights as a national debate due to the 40th anniversary of the military coup. We wanted to reach the entire country among whom we could find human rights defenders and defenders of the dictatorship, who reject the revindication of human rights.

5 days before the 40th anniversary of the military coup, Chile played a decisive match for the world cup qualifiers in the same stadium that was then used as a torture and detention field for more than 12.000 people. In order to create awareness and instill debate we asked for the impossible, a goal of silence.

We only published 2 messages.

The first one asking the chilean soccer team to avoid shouting the first goal. The campaign generated a lot of conversation, but at the end the goal was celebrated by the players and the public.

At that same moment where everyone was celebrating, ignoring our request for a goal of silence, we published a second tweet with another video acknowledging that no one likes to be silenced, in a explicit reference to the silence imposed to the more than 12.000 victims who suffered in the National Stadium.

The response did not wait and the tweet was instantly shared, reaching trending topic in only 15 minutes.

- 83.1 million impressions

- 14 million users, more than 3 times the active twitter accounts in Chile.

- Nª1 trending topic in Chile for 48 hours

- National and global coverage: TV, Radio and Digital press.


We only published 2 messages.

The first one asking the Chilean soccer team to avoid shouting the first goal. The campaign generated a lot of conversation, but at the end the goal was celebrated by the players and the public.

At that same moment where everyone was celebrating, ignoring our request for a goal of silence, we published a second tweet with another video acknowledging that no one likes to be silenced, in a explicit reference to the silence imposed to the more than 12,000 victims who suffered in the National Stadium.


The response did not wait and the tweet was instantly shared, reaching trending topic in only 15 minutes.

- 83.1 million impressions.

- 14 million users, more than 3 times the amount of active Twitter accounts in Chile.

- #1 trending topic in Chile for 48 hours

- National and global coverage on TV, Radio and Digital press.

#Silencegoal opened a debate that Chile could not overlook.

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