Cannes Lions

Happy New Year Bob

VERBA, Milan / AUDI / 2017

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






To transfer some of the Audi brands’ own coolness to those in the company who choose not to drink while on a night out, by awarding them with one of the most aspirational Audi models around to drive their friends safely home while boosting their status along the way – only just like driving an Audi can do!


A guerrilla stunt in real time where we alcohol tested a number of people and provided the few “Bobs” with a brand new Audi A5 for the night, in one of the coolest disco of the most fashionable and trendy city in Italy. When choosing the hero car for the operation, we went for an Audi A5, a model targeted at a grown up market segment, to suggest that Bob is not the boring “good kid” but the most adult and leading personality of the bunch.

The stunt was filmed and put on Audi Italia’s social profiles in to maximize awareness and reach as well as return on the brand equity.


A low budget operation that in just two days racked up a great buzz , with a total of over 600,000 views, 1,500 shares and more than 5,000 reactions .99% of users appreciated the initiative: 71% said that they liked it very much, while 28% shared the initiative with their friends, confirming the positive attitude towards “Happy New Year Bob”.

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