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AXA PPP wanted to be positioned as the health insurance business leading conversations in the rapidly growing health technology sector. In partnership with London's Design Museum, The Beautiful Meme created the 'Health Tech & You' campaign and brand. Markedly different from AXA PPP's corporate presence, the bold Health Tech & You reached into three audiences - technology innovators, policy makers and the general public - through a political conference, consumer website, awards and winner's ceremony, and six-week, free, public exhibition. Our strategy was to talk subtly about how exciting health tech is and how it will positively affect lives, all the while keeping the AXA PPP name at the forefront of people's minds. Over the course of a year, this integrated campaign attracted positive press - including significant coverage on the BBC Click programme - hundreds of visitors to the Design Museum exhibition, and award entries from across the world.


Our campaign was a year's worth of activities. Fresh visuals, a bold tone-of-voice, and a range of connected activities meant that we engaged with health tech in an integrated way that hadn't been done before.

Activity in order...

Announce the brand through the launch of a consumer-facing website.

A launch event and influencers lunch.

Host a half-day conference attended by journalists and policy makers at London's Design Museum exploring the health tech sector, relevant policy and innovative tech examples.

Make a call for entries to the awards though PR, social media, website and advertising.

A judging day and shortlisting.

Developing and launch a six-week exhibition at London's Design Museum, featuring all shortlisted health tech products and allowing the public to engage with debates through a microsite.

Awards ceremony at the Design Museum which was lit in the brand colours especially for the evening.


Let's start with the innovators who entered our awards. Many of them are small technology entrepreneurs working in isolation in an untested field. To receive recognition from AXA PPP and the Design Museum has been a significant boost in confidence and profile for many of them. As a result they understand how AXA PPP engages proactively with health tech.

Visitor numbers and reactions have been excellent for the six-week exhibition at the Design Museum. As well as large numbers of the public entering (and debating issues on our microsite), some large corporations have visited and expressed a desire to be supportive of the campaign in year two.

PR coverage has been great. The full name of the exhibition is AXA PPP Health Tech & You and this has featured on the BBC, London Live TV and countless cultural 'things to see' listings in magazines and papers.

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