Cannes Lions

Healthy Day App

MIRUM, New York / JOHNSON & JOHNSON / 2016

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Demo Film






Healthy Day is a smartphone app that provides a unique value to its users – intelligent and actionable real-time information aimed at avoiding illness and staying healthy. Through a patent-pending algorithm, Health Day aggregates both doctor confirmed cases of illness and crowd-sourced instances to create an accurate and relevant view of what’s going around in your neighborhood. It can even predict illness spikes before they happen, provide quick and easy solutions, and send “emergency” kits to people help them feel better.


The execution of the idea is a new smartphone app that allows users to see current and over-time trends for cold, flu, and allergy in a relevant location. The 2.0 app launched in January 2016, first in the US, where public and private data sources were available to support the application's function. App downloads are supported by a microsite, as well as placements on mobile and social advertising, which ran in April 2016.


Since its launch, the app has an 80% return rate, as users keep coming back to engage, with more than half of all users adding their own personal data. The best part is that the longer the app is in market, the more intelligent it gets. Approaching a years worth of illness data and patterns fuels the predictive abilities of the app. So Healthy Day can let people will know what’s going around, before they find out on their own.

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