Cannes Lions




1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






Samsung is a very highly respected and successful brand in Turkey. Being a giant global technology brand, Samsung wants to use its resources to create a positive change with all its products and services to become a brand woven into the fabric of the societies all over the world. Turkey was no exception.

With this objective in mind, Samsung decided to launch a video call center exclusively for the three million deaf people in Turkey, whose needs are largely neglected by the public authorities. To communicate this initiative we arranged an act in order to make people aware of the difficulties of the deaf and lead by example.

We organized a surprise for a deaf young man, Muharrem. When he woke up one day he saw that the entire neighborhood was speaking his language. Puzzled, he arrived at a billboard, where he saw our call center specialist Melek (which means Angel in Turkish) announcing a special call center service for deaf people like him.

The video of the act was published on Samsung Turkey’s official Facebook and YouTube accounts. Popular media channels including Time, Huffington Post and Guardian, covered the act on TV news, newspaper columns and social media. The advertising equivalent of PR coverage amounted to 3.2 million USD with only an investment of 30.000K USD. Best of all was the reactions of government and popular artists, who announced plans to deliver services for deaf people.


Although the surprise was staged, the reactions of Muharrem were real. The video of the act aimed to reflect the true spirit and the genuineness of the act by underlining the real emotions of Muharrem: puzzlement, surprise, amusement and tears of joy. The campaigned to emphasis Samsung’s ambition in changing people’s life in a positive way. By using a very simple yet emotionally powerful true emotions, the execution managed to achieve that.


Act is implemented only one time and the film recorded during the act reached 17 million people on Facebook and viewed 8 million times (Facebook, 2015). Campaign got 232 million impressions on Twitter in total. Campaign viewed 32 million times from 50 different channels on YouTube with a positive sentiment score of 96% (Somera, 2015). With only 30K USD media investment, campaign gained 3.2M USD worth of PR coverage.

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