Cannes Lions




1 Bronze Cannes Lions
3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
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Hersheys has a very recent history in the Brazilian chocolate market and a media budget that, in 2019, represented 4% of the first place’s investment. In Brazil, International Women's Day traditionally uses chocolate as a celebration, but with the lack of opportunity for women, there was nothing to celebrate. Hershey’s needed to be remembered amongst much more consolidated brands and with bigger investments. More than that, the brand wanted to enter the conversation in a positive way, increasing emotional connection with our main target: female. And if chocolate is the partner of women in difficult times, the unfavorable context of yet another International Women's Day without much progress to celebrate was placed as a great connector between these women and Hershey's. How to get into this conversation in a proprietary way? How can Hershey’s be remembered and help give women more visibility? The answer was in Hersheys' own name.


In 2020 we’ve noticed Her and She in Hershey’s name. Then, for International Women's Day, we turned real packaging into a canvas, and invited Brazilian female artists to showcase their work: graphic designers, writers, musicians. In each pack, the artist invited the audience to know more about her. Each female artist created something from scratch specifically for the “Her” and “She” wrappers. In few days limited edition was sold out at supermarkets. We also opened Hershey’s social networks to invite all women to participate. The response was huge. A large virtual exhibition became a visibility platform for more than 60 different artists on the brand's Instagram. HerShe. Showcasing female talent, one bar at a time.


Hershey’s turned their own packaging into an art exhibition inviting six women to display their talents in a more than special edition: two graphic artists, two writers and two musicians. In each pack, the artist's username (@) invited the audience to know more about her.

During the month of March, the bars were sold at Carrefour in São Paulo. Meanwhile, on social media, Hershey’s invited more artists to join the campaign virtually using the hashtags #HerShe and #HerSheGallery.

A large virtual exhibition became a visibility platform for more than 60 different artists on the brand's Instagram.

The promotion of the campaign was supported by a digital campaign on UOL, Youtube and Instagram. A sponsored content project was also carried out on UOL's Universa website, valuing female talent and empowerment. The choice of these channels prioritized formats with low investment and high power to generate spontaneous media.


Hershey’s turned their own packaging into an art exhibition inviting six women to display their work in the “Her” and “She” wrappers. Taking part of the logo out of a package may seem crazy, but respecting the color code and fonts as a whole, the identity is still present. In each pack, the artist's username (@) invited the audience to know more about her and, for the two musicians, a QR Code led people to their Youtube channel. More than 30.000 packages were produced and sold out within a few days. We also opened our social networks to invite all women to participate, having illustrators, writers, singers, dancers and many more sharing their work to be featured in the HerShe Gallery.


In 1 week we had 1 billion total impressions and US$300,000.00 in earned media, exceeding 10 times the initial investment and the campaign reached record volume of comments on the brand's Instagram. Hershey’s achieved the best result of Unaided Awareness in relation to previous years, growing 5pps (period from August 19 to August 2020). Kantar's results were also amazing: we broke the market share record of the last 22 years, in July 2020. Brand salience also grew from 92 to 98, brand power from 7.9 to 8.1, and all brand funnel indexes also increased (trial from 89 to 92, regular use from 58 to 60, higher frequency from 23 to 27. In 2021 the campaign not only got bigger with more than 30 hours of mentorships and workshops for all female artists, but also was exported to USA, India and Porto Rico.

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