Cannes Lions

High Maintenance Outdoor Joints

HBO, New York / HBO / 2018

Presentation Image
Case Film






The New York City steam system is a district heating system which takes steam produced by generating stations and carries it under the streets of Manhattan to heat and cool over 100,000 high rise buildings and businesses. Steam vents/chimneys are a common site in New York streets towering above cars with their white and orange stripes. The network of steam pipes and chimneys are not unique to New York City but their sheer size and quantity makes them a staple of the city’s winters. The mundane street object and its billowing smoke are as iconic to New York streets as yellow cabs and subway.

What better way to promote a show about pot than to create massive steaming joint installations mimicking these iconic objects all around the city?


The one-day activation was installed in three curated, high-trafficked city locations adjacent to subway stops including Union Square, the Meatpacking District and in the hipster neighborhood of Williamsburg. Throughout its duration, ambassadors dressed in a similar style as the show's pot-dealing protagonist, distributed clever premiums inclusive of branded rolling paper and lighters.


The stunt received a great deal of social buzz and press coverage and reached over 300K commuters. The second season of High Maintenance saw a 10% growth in premiere ratings versus its season one premiere.

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