Cannes Lions


McCANN COSTA RICA, San Jose / GOLLO / 2014

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Case Film
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In Costa Rica we have a serious unsolved problem. Hundreds of homeless people roam our streets daily in search of refuge. So how could Gollo, the leading home appliance retailer in Costa Rica, raise awareness about that and help to solve the problem?

We needed to create a platform that allowed us to create awareness and at the same time, donations. So, we asked Gollo's customers to return the boxes where their newly bought appliance came in. Then we detected a homeless conglomerate, and built a shelter for the homeless, so that they could feel at home.

Everything was made out of used boxes: beds, nightstands, lamps. We filmed this activation and shared it on Facebook and YouTube redirecting it to a website where people could donate and learn about the stories of every homeless. Almost immediately, the Light and Love Foundation contacted us to offer help. With all of these resources together, we not only gave them a home, but also rehab and monitoring to help them reintegrate themselves into society.


A very simple and cheap direct activation, people allowed Gollo to transform contaminating material such as carton boxes, into a social solution. Helping the ambient as well. And because It is an idea that holds up over time with minimal effort.


-We activated a social platform that brought the issue to the media, people and institutions such as the foundation light and love, which offered to provide care, rescue, and rehabilitation.

-We activated donations: $30,000 in one month.

-We activate earn media: $200,000 in just one month.

-We've taking more than 50 homeless out of the streets in just a month.

-We activated recycling: it raised 20% according to the previous month.

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