Cannes Lions

How charities became donors

TBWA\NEBOKO, Amsterdam / FREE A GIRL / 2016


3 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film
Case Film






Instead of asking the public to donate to our cause (with budget for less than one print ad!), we decided to be smarter. We asked other large charities to ask for donations for us. These charities had been asking for donations throughout their existence, so when we asked them for a donation, they had to say yes, right? And they did! Not by giving us their money, but by donating their brand identity for a day. Throughout all their media. In that way they reached their own donors through their banners, tweets, websites, print placements,bilboards, their ambassadors social media, etc.So the 28th of May, 30 good causes all worked together for one good cause: Free a Girl. And that day they all fought child prostitution together.


Charities not only donated their media but (very importantly) also their image and reputation for a day to Free a Girl Using the trusted brand identity of the big well-known charities in the Netherlands like Unicef, Plan Nederland, Dance4Life (and 28 other charities), we communicated our message: We're donating this ad to Free a Girl, you can donate too and fight child prostitution.

This meant that using their brand colors and brand style as a frame we placed our campaign message throughout the other charities' media: everything from social media, banners, billboards to website takeovers and overlays. And even their personal ambassadors throughout their social media. radio, pre-rolls, etc.

This lead to Free a Girl becoming trending topic and totaled into more than 15 million unique impressions in one day. In the Netherlands with 17 million people, that is a lot.


Key results: 15.227.254 million impressions in one day for Free a Girl. Not bad for a country with only 17 million people!! This taught us that even a limited budget is not limited.

Breakdown media types: Social media charities, social media ambassadors, shares & tweets (trending topic), bannering on sites & targeted blogs, pre-rolls, homepage takeovers, mobile bannering, Spotify bannering, newspaper print (national titles and local newspapers), print magazines, billboards along busiest highways, headquarter bannering, primetime radio ads.

Change: This meant that after that day ‘Free a Girl’ went from being relatively unknown to a known charity in the Netherlands. And gained the awareness they desperately need for their cause.

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