Cannes Lions


PUBLICIS, Amsterdam / FREE A GIRL / 2013

Case Film
Presentation Image
Case Film






Free a Girl is a Dutch NGO fighting child prostitution. Rescue teams enter illegal brothels, in cooperation with the local police, to rescue these girls.

In guesthouses they can recover, receive education and job training. Because in the end they have to earn a living, A modest one, compared to Western standards.

This realistic insight formed the basis for a confrontational campaign. Featuring real girls, rescued from prostitution and now working in regular jobs.

This is not a campaign about tough working conditions in third world countries. This is about freedom for young girls, who were enslaved as child prostitutes.

PR was crucial to put this unusual realistic campaign into the right perspective:

- The campaign was announced on the TV1 national news show One Today on March 14th.

- The next day the PR team organised a press conference, with Dutch celebrities as ambassadors, amongst whom the original founder of Free a Girl,Yolanthe Sneijder-Cabau. Providing news items for national and local tv, serious press and showbiz magazines.

- A documentary about Free a Girl was shown at the event, giving background information.

Although FREE A GIRL has no communication budget at all, a vast amount of free publicity has been achieved:

- items on nearly all national tv-stations: TV1, AT5, RTL 4, SBS 6

- An interview with director Olaf van Gerwen on Radio 1

- Press coverage in major newspapers and blogs: Telegraaf, Volkskrant, Algemeen Dagblad, Metro, Spits,

- Items in showbiz Magazines: Story, Privé


Special rescue teams, working for Dutch NGO Freeagirl enter illegal brothels, together with the local police, to free child prostitutes who are kept prisoner. In special guesthouses they can recover and get some education and job training.

Because in the end they have to earn their own money, like anyone else. Working hard for low wages, compared to Western standards. This realistic insight is the basis for an unusual and confrontational campaign, featuring real rescued girls working in regular jobs.


Since the campaign start, early March 2013, awareness and donations are rising.

Several TV-shows and all major newspapers, magazines and blogs publish reports on this unusual realistic approach.

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