Cannes Lions


JWT LONDON, London / HSBC / 2009

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A film that shows that one's values at work may not be the same as one's values at home with one's family.HSBC The World's Local Bank.


The creative solution to the unusual location in the park, used grass as a live medium.British artists Ackroyd and Harvey, who are acclaimed for their groundbreaking work with creating photo images out of real grass, were enlisted to produce the piece.The portraits are a fascinating combination of art and science. By projecting a black and white negative image onto a patch of grass as it grows (in a dark room), they use the natural photosensitive properties of the grass to reproduce photographs.From a distance they look like any other monochrome photograph; up close they look like perfectly ordinary grass.

The portraits aimed to highlight the people who contribute to the tournament on a local level, for instance Eddie Seaward is the head groundsman at Wimbledon and responsible for the growing of the grass.The fan’s reactions were one of intrigue, as they couldn’t believe it was grass.


As part of a sponsorship campaign, the exposure this individual site received went far beyond expectation.Not only were over 400,000 fans at Wimbledon were able to experience it on their way in to the tournament, but they took pictures and uploaded them to the internet. This led to it being featured on over 10,000 websites and blogs across the globe including Russia, India and Japan. This was all good news for a global bank.As this was a first, the types of websites where it featured were quite varied, including photography, art, design, tennis and even gardening.It also reached the pages of the New York Times, in their 1/8/08 edition. The New York Times alone, has a daily readership figure of 1.5 million.

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