Cannes Lions


TEXT 100, London / IBM / 2014

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Digital and social media have revolutionised how we communicate, yet in mid-2012 the majority of external communications engagement across the IBM Growth Markets (GMU) was through traditional media relations, with only a very small focus on analysts or other influencers. With significant growth anticipated in growth markets and significant changes in the way B2B buying decisions are made, IBM’s communications had to evolve.

The ER teams - spanning eight regions - would need to move away from relying on media relations and instead emphasize engagement and dialogue with direct audiences, using measurable storytelling /creative content techniques.

Following research focused on buyer behaviour and a skills baselineing activity against this insight, we developed The IBM Digital Academy - a two year change management framework and training program, which launched in June 2013. It was built around proficiency in four core behaviors: thought leadership, community engagement, skills development and measuring success. The team then created a series of training courses focused on critical skills supporting each of the four key behaviours.

The 2013 investment saw a significant shift in skill set and engagement methods:

•115 people completed the program, representing Central Europe, Middle East and Africa, India, Latin America, ASEAN, A/NZ, China and Korea

•70% now track media/journalists/ analysts/ influencers over social networks

•46% regularly participate in external social networks as part of day-to-day ER activities

•42% have coached 3+ SME’s or executives in digital/social media engagement and delivery

•16% are running media/analyst/ influencer events virtually using live streaming platforms


The development team then created a series of training courses focused on critical skills in support of each of the four key behaviours. The courses included Building a Digital Profile, Changes in B2B Influence, Digital Storytelling, Measurement 101, Your Digital Toolkit, Social Media for Media Relations, Social Media for Events, SEO and PR, and Community Management.

Additionally the team developed launch materials, a Goal-Setting Workshop and a three-part Influencer Relations training program with workshops running concurrently to the Digital Academy.

In June 2013, the IBM Digital Academy was launched to more than 110 team members spanning the eight geographies. Over the next six months training courses were delivered on average every two weeks.

Interactive courses were shared via the IBM Cloud and recorded for later playback. They were hosted on a microsite within the IBM intranet, where team members were encouraged to join discussions on course material.


The 2013 investment saw a significant shift in the skill set and engagement methods. By the end of the first assessment period:

•115 people completed the program, representing Central Europe, Middle East and Africa, India, Latin America, ASEAN, A/NZ, China and Korea

•Participant levels:

-31% achieved Nano

-63% achieved Micro

-6% achieved Mega.

•70% now track media/journalists/ analysts/ influencers over social networks

•46% regularly participated in external social networks as part of day-to-day ER activities

•42% have coached three or more SME’s or executives in digital/social media engagement and delivery

•16% are running media/analyst/ influencer events virtually using live streaming platforms

Discussions are underway at IBM HQ to make the Digital Academy a global program, and to extend it to include all people involved in Marketing and Communications. Objectives have been included in performance targets, and planning for the next wave of course materials is underway.

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