Cannes Lions



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Pepsi Lipton International launched the first Raspberry Ice Tea on the Romanian market through an unconventional and unexpected campaign, which generated huge buzz and word of mouth. During a two month campaign, we generated a national "raspberry-mania” by bringing together a fake Association of Independent Raspberry Growers, a group of raspberry fans of all ages and some celebrity Raspberry-holics. They launched a highly visible campaign meant to restore the raspberry image, affected by Razzie awards and governmental initiatives.


Step 1: we invented the Association of Independent Raspberry Growers, who launched the “I Support the Raspberry” campaign. They were joined by the raspberry fans of all ages, celebrity Raspberryholics, raspberry freaks and raspberry maniacs and generated a national "raspberry-mania”.

Step 2: Non-branded phase – "Support the Raspberry!” - Online petition, addressed to the Ministry of Agriculture. Among requests: re-naming the Razzie-Awards, including the raspberry among essential foods, protect raspberry growing in forest.- Street events to collect signatures, attended and covered by media- Viral movie asking support for the causeStep 3: Product launch- Media event disguised as an Association's working meeting, at their fake headquarters (old apartment in a downtown building)- Testimonials from two of the most famous Romanian VIPs admitting they are Rasberryholics- Product was introduced as the support offered by Lipton to the cause of the Association-Product sample-Gifts: raspberry growing kits, gardening tools and raspberry plant


- 2,000 people signed the “Support the Raspberry!” petition and signatures keep on coming- 5,757,183 impressions (according to National Readership Survey) of the materials- More than 70 materials about the launch in print, online and TV- TV talks shows debated the issue- Detailed materials about the need to protect local raspberry production against more expensive imports- Pro TV (most popular TV station in Romania) broadcasted an extensive material on the news , dwelling on the status of local raspberry issuesThe non-branded campaign had such a huge impact that we received invitations to talk shows for the members of Association of Raspberry Growers. The Ministry of Agriculture was also invited to comment on the raspberry issue. Several months after the campaign, TV Stations still called the agency for statements from Association of Raspberry Growers.

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