Cannes Lions

IKEA Desktop Ads

LEO BURNETT, Mumbai / IKEA / 2024

Presentation Image
Case Film






• Situation- Since IKEA is a new entrant in the Indian market, most of its organising products are yet to be explored by Indians.

• Brief – Get India to try IKEA’s organising products to understand their utility in everyday life.

• Objectives – Create tangible brand value in urban India’s lives, physically or digitally, to make them opt for IKEA whenever they think of organising.


With our urban Indian target audience spending hours in the digital world, the brand was facing challenges in holding their attention through the usual ad spaces. So we targeted the space that has the most attention, their desktops.

So, we shot our organising products against simple backgrounds for people to stack their files and folders in, thus demonstrating the storage capabilities of our products, while staying well within budget.


Target Audience: Households with double income working professionals. Consequently, their personal and professional set ups make them digitally-savvy and screen-junkies.

Approach: IKEA was known as the ultimate destination for organising solutions globally. However, it was still to establish this in India - a new market. There was only one problem, Indians had low exposure to organising solutions and therefore were unaware of their potential. To create a tangible relevance in Indians’ lives with respect to everyday organising, we needed to intervene in other ways that were more relevant to this digitally savvy consumer - their screens.


• Implementation - We created wallpapers with our best organisers that organised thousands of home screens while creating a new ad space for IKEA

• Timeline – 15th September 2023 – 29th September 2023

• Placement - Website and social media

• Scale - 50+ wallpapers which reached 1 Million desktops


• Time spent with brand: 2 hours/day

• Proof of engagement: Number of interactions, downloads or comments – 25K+ downloads

• Owned media results: $3.6 Million worth of views generated

• Earned media results: 4 Million impressions

• Consumer loyalty- 3.5% increase in brand desire

• Brand perception- IKEA India was established as the go-to brand for organising

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