Dubai Lynx

Inspiring Collaboration for a Better World


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The global energy crisis fuelled by uncertainties in 2022 must be balanced with humanities need to secure a sustainable future for all.

Aramco approached us to create a Metaverse experience to support Aramco's position, messaging, and strategy for a responsible energy transition, part of which was premiered in the Global Collaboration Village at the World Economic Forum.

The aim is to facilitate collaboration towards how can we…

…ensure a stable, inclusive energy transition?

…leverage advanced technologies to boost performance and limit emissions?

…safeguard the environment and enhance biodiversity?

…together achieve Net Zero ambitions efficiently, sustainably, and inclusively?

Campaign Objectives

Share Aramco’s progress towards sustainability commitments through world class engineering excellence and innovation

Support CEO on responsible energy transition agenda whilst creating emotive CTA for cross industry, global collaboration

Integrating campaign with Powered by How to maximize reach of the medium

Create visual impact through storytelling to experience Aramco and KSA


Developing a first of its kind collaborative metaverse experience that uses the power of compound engagement to deliver a message is the core of the Aramco metaverse. Not only, specific details captured to mirror real world locations and create a sense of immersion through video and sound effects drawn upon humans needs to experience stories.

Using metaverse to stimulate engaging dialog on a global stage allowing participants (Industry Leaders, Energy & Chemicals peers, Journalists, Academics and Policy-Makers) to be inspired to collaborate with Aramco.

Use of Microsoft Altspace the metaverse immersive platform as a channel for Aramco to create the visual and emotive impact by hosting an immersive, guided tour by an actual Aramco employee to not just be a passive recipient of messaging (as is the case with video) but an active participant in collaboration and discussion. Experientially, metaverse offers the ability to take audiences to places impossible


The 4 week design phase started with a 3-day workshop focusing on narrative, experience principles and desired outcome. The intensive co-creation included design and industry experts, to land on integrating this experience with Aramco’s global campaign. We defined the purpose to best utilize the metaverse to create powerful user interactions designed to create impact.

The build phase consisted of sprints with technical reviews with multiple Aramco departments for feedback iterations on the accuracy of the 3D environments built (Mangrove Park, Wildlife sanctuary, drill-rig, NGL facility. We facilitated partnership with Microsoft to ensure the experience is ready for a platform upgrade with Microsoft Mesh to extend the usage of this metaverse experience beyond the WEF event.

The 6 months project started with conversations in July, with the formal go-live launched to Aramco CEO & board in October. The global premier happening at Davos this January, with showcase at LEAP in February.


Together with Aramco we created a shared digital space for individuals and organizations to come together and reflect on the impact of their actions.

At the WEF, attended by 2500 delegates, Aramco saw great user engagement, with groups of participants spending ~35 minutes per session in the virtual world; experiencing the rich content as a backdrop for engaging conversions. Additionally, real-world networking connections made once the virtual experience finished, resulted in discussions promoting sustainable energy practices.

This impact was recognized through an Appreciation Award being presented to the Aramco CEO from the Founder and President of the WEF, whilst also featuring in Time Magazine.

All Aramco's core objectives where met, showcasing Aramco’s engineering excellence, commitment to sustainability and ability to bring people together to foster collaboration for an inclusive energy transition. Furthermore, the experience is inspiring Aramco employees from across the organisation to engage in new technologies with a purpose.

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